Come, come, whoever you are!

It might just be, that you have found your home at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County.  A place where we can support each other.  A place where we can learn together.  A place where we can work together to bring justice to this world.

The UU 101 class is for you if:

You are interested in learning what you need to know to officially become a member of this Fellowship
OR You are simply curious about what Unitarian Universalism and this Fellowship are all about: you’re not sure if you want to join but you’d like to learn more.
OR You are already a member of this Fellowship and would like a refresher on UU History and our congregational life together.

Babysitting will be provided.

Class Structure:

Session One: 
9am to 10:30am
We will cover: History, Principles, Sources of the Living Tradition, and UUA Organization
Session Two: 
9am to 10:30am
Our Fellowship: Mission, Values, Plan, Covenant, Right Relations, Budget, Stewardship and Service