**Due to COVID-19 precautions, following the advice of UUA, we are practicing social distancing for an indeterminate time. Our facility is not available for rental use at this time.***
The policies and procedures for reserving and using UUFBC facilities have been designed to support our mission and values in line with the 7 UUA principles.
The following process for securing reservations has been designed to ensure that UUFBC functions have been given priority consideration.
The granting of all reservations to use the UUFBC facility is done so under the authority of the Fellowship Board. The Board delegates this authority to the Fellowship office staff.
It is the intention of this policy to allow for multiple meetings simultaneously when able and as needed. Requests for small groups shall be accommodated in one of the meeting rooms. Should they be the only group meeting at the time, they may use the common area.
The UU office is NOT available for rental use. This room will be locked during rental of the facility.
Single events will be confirmed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Series (multiple-date) events will be confirmed quarterly. If a potential conflict for access to the facilities should arise, access shall be given in the following priority:
- UUFBC official functions and business
- UUFBC social functions
- Personal use by UUFBC member(s)
- Non-profit groups with at least 1 UUFBC member
- Non-profit groups with no UUFBC members
- $150.00 security/cleaning deposit must be received within 7 days of confirmation or 14 days prior to the event; whichever comes first. The security deposit will be refunded in full provided the building is left clean and in good order. UUFBC members in good standing will be exempt from the security deposit requirement, but are responsible for returning the building to the way it was found prior to the event.
- Any vendors or businesses that provide service to the Fellowship building or grounds need to provide proof of liability and workmen’s compensation insurance or a waiver from the state.
- $50.00 for each four hours rented (including set up and closing)
- Reservations will state beginning and ending times including the time needed for preparation and set up, the actual function, and clean-up.
One-time Event
The process to secure a reservation is as follows:
- Requests can be submitted any time up to 7 days prior to the event.
- Submit request via the website (www.uuofbaycounty.com), or e-mail info@uuofbaycounty.com.
- The administration committee will advise as to whether the request was confirmed or denied.
- The administration committee will enter confirmed events onto the UU calendar.
- Proof of liability insurance must be received by the fellowship office within 7 days of confirmation or 14 days prior to the event; whichever comes first.
- The $150.00 security deposit must also be received within 7 days of confirmation or 14 days prior to the event; whichever comes first.
Series (multiple-use) Events
Requests for series events will be entertained on a quarterly basis and will be considered for confirmation within 6-weeks prior to the beginning of that quarter. Quarters will be as follows:
- January – March
- April – June
- July – September
- October – December
- Submit request within the appropriate time frame via the website (www.uuofbaycounty.com) or e-mail to info@uuofbaycounty.com
- The fellowship office will advise the status of reservations to the appropriate parties.
For UUFBC sponsored events and for groups that do have at least one UUFBC member as an official part of their membership, a UUFBC member will be responsible for:
- Opening and closing the building.
- Ensuring that furniture is rearranged to the way it was found prior to the event.
- Ensuring that the building is in clean condition, i.e., vacuumed if needed, dishes washed, dried, and put away, bathrooms clean, garbage bagged and taken to the dumpster, etc.
- Ensuring that the thermostat is set at the suggested temperature.
For meetings and groups who rent the facility and do not have a member of UUFBC as part of their membership, the administration committee shall notify the appropriate parties to:
- Open and close (lock) the facility. The code to the door will not be given to nonmembers.
- Determine if further cleaning is required after the event is finished.
- Groups and individuals who use the facility are required to observe our “No Smoking” policy inside the buildings. A designated smoking area is available outside.
- All events that use smudging bundles/sticks and/or incense must ensure these are contained within a fireproof vessel.
- All fires must be contained within a fireproof vessel and attended at all times by an adult.
- No animals may be brought inside the buildings, with the exception of certified service animals.
- Disposable plates, cups, napkins, utensils and coffee, etc., are not provided by the Fellowship for outside groups to use. Rental clients are asked to provide these items for themselves.
- No adhesives shall be stuck to the walls and no thumbtacks may be used in the walls.
- The piano must not be moved.
- The large garbage bin must be able to close completely. Any overflow should be placed in smaller bins behind the large one and a cover used.
- Chairs and equipment may not be removed from the building for any non-UU functions.