Welcoming Everyone • Growing In Mind and Spirit •  Empowering People • Leading in Social Justice 

Being together at UUFBC carries a special energy and enthusiasm that can be felt throughout our fellowship hall. That lively spirit flows among us as we welcome each other, sing together, reflect together, share together, and worship together. Our UU community gives us so much and now is our opportunity to give something back to ensure our community continues to thrive.

Stewardship is defined as the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. We at UUFBC steward in four distinct ways: 

  • With our presence 
  • With our time and talents 
  • With our money 
  • With our spirits 

Donating our time, our talents, and our treasures through our Stewardship Campaign makes a healthy, strong, and sustainable fellowship and allows us to reach out into the wider community. As a UUFBC Member, we ask that you contribute some level of pledge to our community, however, we also welcome any UU Friends who want to support our community as well. You don’t have to be an official member to support the UUFBC. 

2024Pledge Packet       Pledge Form 2024-2025

You can return your pledge form in 3 ways. First, complete the pledge form and then:

  1. Email it directly to our Treasurer, Janet Cross at
  2. Drop it off at Service on Sunday morning in a SEALED ENVELOPE.  Drop it in our Pledge Box, the Offering, or hand to a BOD Member.
  3. Mail  it to the UUFBC at  1410 Airport Rd. Panama City, FL 32405 

Your pledge will be kept confidential by our treasurer. If you have any questions, please reach out to Janet or any BOD Member! Thank you for your generosity.


In fellowship,