An amazing 66% of our members completed the recent Vision and Growth survey – and the results are in. A detailed report was delivered to the Board of Directors Tuesday evening. The Board then directed that all details be released to the membership.
Following Sunday’s service (Jan. 25) there will be a brief session to discuss the outcomes. We hope you stay – and hope you come prepared. The report has been posted in two parts on the members-only section of our website. The main report is there, and the second section contains unedited member comments (names are not attached). You may access these documents by clicking here: Member’s Site
Remember, this is a password protected area of the website. If you’ve need the password, email
2015 promises to be a year of decision – as the time has come to address our growing congregation and an urgent need for space. Your participation in the after-service meeting Jan. 25 is critical to charting the course. We’ll see you there!