Calling all creative folk of all ages!
Families welcome to participate together…visual artists, musical artists, literary artists!
Come to help plan the Sunday Service for EASTER/OSTARA/Spring EQUINOX that is planned for March 31st.
Some of you may have been present at the 8.30 a.m. meeting Connie Goodbread held with us the morning that she spoke at our Fellowship. At that gathering, Connie stressed the importance of focusing all the creativity and energy we can muster into our Sunday services…and to ensuring that we take an intergenerational approach to design, content and participation in that weekly focal hour. In Connie’s words: “MAKE WORSHIP YOUR RICHEST EXPERIENCE!”
To that end, and as a very tentative first step, I would like to invite you to join me this coming Saturday morning, 10 a.m. – noon (perhaps not quite that long!) at the UU in order to
- pool our ideas, skills and talents
- working as a multi-generational team
- to develop a creative approach for our Fellowship’s service on March 31st
- which is Easter / Ostara / Spring Equinox
I will bring copies of our typical Order of Service, as well as whatever materials I can pick off of the website (please feel free to surf that site – and any others related to the day’s theme – yourself).
Also, bring any materials that you can imagine using in this exercise (visual arts materials, favorite theme-related writings – your own or others’, – musical ideas or instruments)…whatever the setting, the occasion and the themes bring to mind.
I have absolutely NO IDEA where this will lead us…..NO preconceived notions or plans.
Let’s just come together, share ideas and see what we can come up with. BTW, parents: bring the kids!!!! PLEASE!!!!
FYI, Serena Dee will be speaking on that Sunday and her announced title is: “RESURRECTION:”Since Easter is Resurrection Day, Why is There a Chocolate Bunny laying colored eggs in my basket?” FUN!!!!
….AND, though she won’t be able to be with us this Saturday, when I told her about this idea, she responded:
“I think that would be wonderful, Al.I have always loved Ostara/Easter/spring Equinox as one of my fav holidays.In my presentation, I have something for young as well as old, and I always encourage and enjoy the young ppl in the service.No, they won’t ‘get it’ at the level that the adults will, but there will be some thought provoking parts for them, PLUS a neat story. :)”
(Hope you don’t mind my quoting you, Serena Dee!!!!)
…..SO, please make every effort to come this Saturday, 2nd MAR at 10 a.m.
Worship Committee Chair
Contact: Al Burgermeister at