Our next meditation class will focus on Managing Anxiety. This will be a 10 session course and meet twice a week. We’ll meet on Thursday nights on Zoom and on Sundays after service starting Thursday, February 27th at 6pm.

This class is a 30-minute session that includes a 1-minute opening breathing exercise, followed by a short meditation technique video, and then a 10-15-minute guided meditation.  This is a very casual class with all levels welcome!

         ZOOM                                           IN-PERSON
Thursdays at 6pm                         Sundays at 12pm

February 27th at 6pm                          March 9 at 12pm

March 6 at at 6pm                                March 16 at 12pm

March 13 at 6pm                                  March 16 at 12pm

March 20 at 6pm                                 March 23 at 12pm

March 27 at 6pm                                  March 30 at 12pm

April 3 at 6pm



For questions, please contact host, Charissa Thacker at charissa.thacker@yahoo.com