Looking for a way to get more involved in our UUFBC community and have a little time on Tuesday mornings? Drop in to the UUFBC from 9am-12pm. Most weeks, Bob Gilmore and Arlene Zacher are there taking care of regular weekly duties including office tasks, adding the weeks service to the corner sign, restocking the roadside pantry, water plants, yard work, and more.

It’s a great way to help and get involved! If you have questions, please reach out to Bob G. and Arlene or just stop in.

Busy during the week?? No problem, we could use some help on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. to get ready for service and other duties as well.



Outside Tasks:

Put up new signs on reader board for Sunday services.

Check on, and refill roadside pantry.

Pick up trash around perimeter of property.

Sweep porches and patio area.

Water plants around the porches.

Work on new flower beds – help beautify outside areas.

Trim and clean out hedges. Pull vines climbing outside brick walls.

Clean up kids play area.

Wipe down outside tables and chairs.

Make note of things to be cleaned or repaired for UUFBC Board.

Inside Tasks and Office Help:

 Water inside plants.

Empty all inside trash.

Swish toilets & tidy up bathrooms.

Organize cabinets in bathroom by RE room.

Tidy up kitchen – organize, put things away in cupboards – clean out refrigerator.

Tidy up sanctuary area, straighten chairs. Sweep where necessary. Clean windows where necessary.

Clean up office area –

Learn to use office computer and help with e-mail and office tasks.

Help with monthly change of bulletin board in sanctuary for Soul Matters Themes.

Check and report messages on phone in media cabinet.
Please e-mail Bob G or Arlene Z if you think you can help. gilzach@yahoo.com