The UUFBC will be voting on the following issues at the June 9th Service:

Fiscal Year 2014 Slate

Jack Harvey        President
Jo Shaffer            Vice President
Ken Sizemore      Treasurer
Dianna Avrigian      Secretary
Tisha McSharry   At-Large Term ends 06/30/15
Christine May      At-Large Term ends 06/30/15

Fiscal Year 2014 Budget
This link will take you to the revised budget based upon the Stewardship Pledge Drive.

Begin the discussion for a group covenant.

2013-2018 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County  Strategic  Plan
This is the 5 Year Plan outlining the goals developed in our workshops, planning meetings, retreat, and meetings with UUA consultants Maggie Lovins and Connie Goodbread.

Mission Statement
We are an accepting community, creating sanctuary, inspiring open inquiry, celebrating joy and wonder, and working for social justice.
(Drafted in July 2012 during a 2nd hour Sunday Service)

Values Statement
With wonder and courage, we pursue compassion, justice and acceptance.
(Drafted in May 2012 by Congregational workshop)