The times have changed – from sea to shining sea and around the world. More hatred, more violence more freedoms being treated. In Bay County, Our Unitarian Universalist Fellowship stands as a beacon of hope. A welcoming home for all where kindness and love prevail, and standing up for social justice is at the core of our daily work. Now Is Our Time, the time for us to be together in both word and action, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder for the greater good.
Welcoming Everyone
Growing In Mind and Spirit
Empowering People
Leading in Social Justice
Have you sensed the special feeling that exists on Sunday mornings when you enter our beautiful grounds and step inside our home at UUFBC? There always seems to be an energy and enthusiasm that can be felt in and around our fellowship hall. Maybe you have felt it – that lively spirit that flows among us as we welcome each other, sing together, reflect together, share together, worship together and see our children present among us.
There is a spirit that nurtures our souls and inspires us to action. Perhaps you have felt it while working on a community beautification project, helping at a UUFBC work day, attending a political rally, participating with BYILD, donating supplies for homeless teens, marching in support of the Black Community, standing up for gay rights, attending an interfaith event, volunteering with Religious Education, being a service leader, taking on a position of leadership, being a regular volunteer or perhaps just sharing our First Sunday Lunch together.
Sunday, April 2, we will begin our Financial Stewardship Campaign for 2017-2018, sometimes referred to as our Annual Pledge Drive. Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Here at UUFBC that something is our mission, our programs and ministry, our building and grounds and our congregation.
We steward in four ways:
- with our presence
- with our time and talents
- with our money
- with our spirits – by bringing loving hearts and open minds to our beloved community
Donating our time, our talents, and our treasure through our Stewardship Ministry makes UUFBC strong, healthy, and able to minister effectively within our fellowship and out in the world. We will be using the visiting steward model of giving this year. When you are contacted by a visiting steward please work with that person to find a convenient time and place for a conversation and making your pledge.
Information packets are also available at the UU. Please take some time to read through it and respond by our closing date of 07 May.