Order of focus ideas of 5 Year plan+ #1 (12 votes) to #21 (2 votes):
1. Adult RE Classes
2. Social Justice
3. Green Projects
4. Multi-generational participation
5. Call a minister
6. Letter writing campaign
7. Work on community projects/parks
8. Support Low income projects
9. Interfaith Exploration
10. Flower in service/shells
11. Increase social events
12. Choir
13. Partner with PFLAG
14. Diversity Training
15. Work with college
16. Family events with babysitters
17. Outdoor activities-more
18. Strategic PR Plan
19. Increase rental fee of the building
20. ACURE Partnership
21. Develop youth group
Only 1 vote: Develop finance committee; purchase adjacent property; more art in building; increase small group ministry; summer camp for kids; attend UUA meetings; attend other Panhandle UU congregations; 5th Sunday project/activity; diversity ministry; fly various flags identifying organizations @ the UU