America needs engaged citizens
As promised, this new administration has come in like a bigoted, heartless bulldozer digging up the foundation of what we always believed our country rested on… freedom, equality, democracy… for ALL. And no… we have never been perfect in any of those categories, but the point was we were trying. And we must not give up now. Americans need to be informed and engaged in our political system. It is our duty as patriots. The level of involvement may vary, but it takes us all doing something.
Take care of yourself
Just as it’s important not to give up the fight, it’s critically important to take care of ourselves. Finding room in life for joy, fun and laughter. We cannot let Trump and his darkness take over. If we obsess about this administration and fall down the rabbit hole of outrage, worry and anxiety, we won’t be able to keep fighting. Therapists, Jeff Guenther says: “Joy isn’t the betrayal of the struggle…it’s the fuel that keeps us fighting”.
Ways to Resist
- MONEY- you vote with every dollar you spend. And it can be inconvenient or frustrating at times to avoid certain shops or brands that you’ve always used or loved… but being conscious of where you spend your money is a great way to resist on daily basis.
- Another way your dollars can have a huge impact is through the groups you support.
- Join or donate to national groups that are engaged in the fight:
- On a Local Level, consider:
- Limit your social media time. If you are not on social media – GOOD FOR YOU! But like most of us, it’s a part of our day…limiting your scrolling time seriously affects the channels and advertisers as well. Close out ads, hide ads… limiting your exposure to ads impacts greatly the money flow of those channels. Unfollow negative pages…like the White House.
- IF You Are Comfortable and Safe: say something when you see injustices around you. When you hear a comment that is racist, misogynistic, bigoted, or hurtful. It doesn’t have to be a fight. Simply stating that not everyone feels that way. Or that you disagree. Taking up space is important too.
- T-shirts – LOL!
Ways to self care
Picking 1 or 2 areas of concern and focusing on that. Don’t let yourself go down the bigger black hole. Remember, you are not the only one in the fight. There are millions of others all over the country resisting too.
Limit how long and when you watch the news. A constant stream of emotionally triggering news stories and headlines will block out any time for calm, peace, and joy.
Find sources that you can trust. Don’t blow up over something on Facebook…mostly likely it’s not real or highly sensationalized.
Finding Joy:
- Gather. Gather with friends and family that make you feel safe and supported. Gather here at the UU with folks who you know will support you! They say that one of the biggest factors of a long and healthy life is the quality and quantity of meaningful connects with others. Maybe invite a friend over for tea or dinner. On your next walk maybe ask a neighbor to join you.
- Get Creative. Even small and simple little projects can help center your soul and give your emotions some time to relax. Doing something creative helps energize the brain and allows for more positive outlooks.
- Get outside. Nature has been proven to uplift your spirits and improve your health. Not only the exercise you may get out of it… but connecting with the living breathing natural world helps center us.
- Meditation/Prayer: Setting aside time to sit, meditate, or pray quiets the mind, allows for rest and calm, and promotes a healthy perspective on all you encounter during the day.
This is definitely not an exhaustive list of ideas! But a good start!
Q: What are some other ways to elevate joy and hope in our lives?