Yard Sale Dates:
- Friday, March 31, 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
- Saturday, April 1, 8:00-noon
Desired Inventory:
Books; household items: linen, dishes, pictures, small appliances, furniture, pots/pans; games & toys; sports gear or outdoor recreational items; exercise equipment; tools; holiday decorations; knic/knacks; gardening & yard items.
NO Clothes or Shoes-please.
Items can be brought to the UU, anytime after the service Sunday, March 26-Thursday, March 30.
Set-up Volunteers:
- Monday 27- Thursday 30.
Event Day Volunteers:
- Cashiers & helpers to assist on the sale days.
- Clean-up crew after the close of the day, Saturday, April 1 @ noon.
For further information please call Cathy Rifenberg at 850-866-6475.