From the Board…
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County offers a true “home” to area residents. Our dynamic presence in Bay County makes strong ripples across the community—and we’re preparing to do even more. Your pledge—your drop—matters greatly, no matter how small.
No one is required to pledge just as no one is required to volunteer to serve on a committee or to lead a Sunday service or to assist with the numerous behind-the-scenes tasks that keep us thriving. But somehow, all those time and talent needs must be fulfilled by either volunteers or paid staff.
“The UU is the best place to gather with kind, generous and caring people.”
-2016 Membership Survey
Our annual budget is carefully crafted based largely on our collective pledges. This budget relies greatly on our current level of volunteerism. In order to reliably meet our UUFBC commitments, our pledges and our volunteers combine to cover 80% of the expenses. We must, of course, meet our payroll, pay our operating bills, and serve the membership in the best possible ways.
A Pledge Committee member will be contacting each of you and we’re always willing to answer questions. You will find that listing and contact information on the bottom of your pledge form (the final page of this informational packet). Please consider the value of the UUFBC in your life. Thank you for all you do to support our beloved community. Let’s make waves!
2015-16 Highlights
We’ve made some huge ripples. There have been countless UUFBC successes over the past year. Here are just some of the highlights.
Bay Youth Independence and Leadership Program (BYILD) was a finalist as a Champion of Hope in the National Faith Symposium 2015 in Orlando, Florida.
Space Explorer School Summer Camp averaged 23 children per night (5 nights) and covered the themes of courage, teamwork, creativity, diversity, and awe through science and art.
Race Relations Series for adults, 4 classes facilitated by in-Fellowship and out-of Fellowship teachers that deepened our understanding of this complex, systemic issue.
Successfully raised funds to send 7 children or youth to attend the UU Mountain Camp this summer.
Established a fund aimed at the future hiring of a minister and established a Capital Fund to further solidify the future of UUFBC.
“I find focused programs enlightening and part of my development.”
-2016 Membership Survey
Adult Religious Exploration “God Map” workshop which made connections in the larger interfaith community, facilitating discussion and understanding.