On Sunday, May 22, the UUFBC Congregational Annual Meeting will follow our 10:30 a.m. service. Come and be a part of the democratic process that we strongly value. In addition to our 2016-2017 Board slate of officers to approve, there will be a new budget to vote on and possibly other by-law changes. Please be a part of the process and let your voice be heard. An agenda for the meeting will be emailed on May 12. Baby sitting will be provided for the meeting time with beverages and snacks available for all.
Leadership Development Committee proposes the following slate for the Board of Directors for UUFBC, 2016-2017, to be voted on at the Annual Meeting, May 22, directly after the regular Sunday Service.
President – Cheryl Kellogg
Vice President – Chris May (one year to complete)
Secretary – Helen Johnson
Tresurer – Chris Dixon (one year to complete)
At Large – Jeff Livingston (one year to complete)
At Large – Janet Cross (second two year term)
Note: The reduction from 4 At Large members to 2 will be addressed at the Annual Meeting in requested Bylaws change. This suggestion comes from a monthly publication, Small Talk, by the Church Specialist of the Northeast District. It states the following:
How big is it? How long are the terms, and how many terms can one person serve? If your governing group has more than 6 or 7 people on it, you may want to consider shrinking it. A small congregation looking for 8 or 10 or 12 people to sit on the governing board is just asking for burnout. Six people can easily make all the decisions that are needed. It helps if your officers (President or Chair, Vice President or Vice Chair, Secretary or Clerk, Treasurer) are part of the governing board, and not separate. It also helps to cut down on burnout if the terms are limited to two or three years, and that each person is limited to two consecutive terms.
Annual Meeting Agenda
Proposed Bylaws
Cheryl Kellogg
Leadership Development Committee